Bach's trio sonata VI played on organ of wenzelkirche Germany. Registation used: H/W 8,8 4,4 quinta 2 2/3 + sesquialter II. R/P 8,8 fugara 4 + Rauschpfeife II. Pedal Subbass+8+4
A drawing of Joe Penna with no glasses and the MysteryGuitarMan with his sunglasses ;) Subcribe to his channel if you don't already have ! Even though I hate the eyes of the left Joe I like this picture very much, it's one of my favourites. But also I think it could be much better if I would have drawn it on a bigger paper (it's just A4) but i had no big paper at home -.- Well, I hope you like it =) original time: 4 hours size: 21cm x 29,7cm (A4) ______ Ein Bild von Joe Penna ohne seine Brille und dem MysteryGuitarMan mit der Sonnenbrille ;) Abonniert seinen Kanal, wenn ihrs nicht schon längst getan habt: Ich mag dieses Bild sehr, es ist bisher eins meiner besten, auch wenn ich die Augen vom linken Joe verdammt misslungen finde, die Brille hats mir dann doch um einiges einfacher gemacht! Ich ärger mich auch darüber, dass ichs auf so kleinem Papier (A4) gezeichnet hab, auf einem größeren wärs glaub ich noch besser geworden, aber ich hatte keins mehr -.- Hoffe es gefällt euch trotzdem! Originalzeit: 4 Stunden Größe: 21cm x 29,7 cm (A4)
The "official" Margarita video, shows all touristic aspects of the island through the pink sunglasses. Nice view of the site and some pretty broads, too. Beaches and all, don't miss it.
Jimmy Dub - Sunglasses Music, lyrics and orchestration: Connect-R & Chris Mayer (c)&(p) 2011 Red Clover Media Contact:
Lady Gaga's Crystal Sunglasses from the Fame CD cover. My most watched video of all time. The glasses just are so cool! Everyone wants them! And yes, I can see through them well enough to use them. Later I found out that the holes are best to make with a leather perforator, which I didn't had at the time of making these. Template link: Here you can buy crystals. They are bigger and different in shape than crystals in this video, but I used them in my Disco Stick and they are better actually: